Emploi Nice

The intern will participate in the models that will be implemented in search and display products and will be able to test his/her methods using extensive databases of real world data. After becoming familiar with the field and forecasting methods, the...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Vous tes le garant du developpement des ventes et de la realisation des objectifs de CA en assurant la meilleure qualite de service aux clients selon les procedures KFC et en mettant des actions de Marketing local en place.
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Presentation et argumentation de la collection. Poste en CDI a pourvoir immediatement. Participation au merchandising.
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

interact with the complete organization associated to the search, shopping and pricing products, and so with functional, technical and usability experts, with quality analysts, and with business analysts & sales engineers The new system architecture will...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Rattache(e) au Directeur Commercial, vous integrez une equipe de 5 personnes. Page Personnel recrute, pour lun de ses clients, specialise en parfumerie. Vous parlez couramment anglais. de traiter les demandes des Commerciaux, suivre les delais de...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

understanding the current search and pricing approaches and the architecture of R&D Search Shopping and Pricing products that sustain them interact with the experts in the organization ranging from functional, technical and usability to business analysts...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

mettre en service et entretenir les appareils : pompe a chaleur, climatiseur, chauffe eau thermodynamique et solaire, En parallele de ces missions, vous realisez un reporting regulier de votre activite en GMAO. Habilitation electrique type B1/ COMPETENCES...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

interact with the complete organization associated to the search, shopping and pricing products, and so with functional, technical and usability experts, with quality analysts, and with business analysts & sales engineers. study different modern widgets...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

The Amadeus rail platform allows the worldwide distribution to travel agencies and online channels of several major railways providers in Europe. The trainee will be asked to integrate it into an existing mobile solution and to unify the presentation...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Organisme de protection sociale disposant dun reseau national et de plusieurs centres informatiques decentralises.Poste base dans les Alpes Maritimes. MISSIONS : Au sein dun de ces centres informatiques, vos principales missions sont : Piloter un...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com