Emploi Loire

Vous souhaitez vous investir aupres dune structure a taille humaine, en developpement et au sein de laquelle la reactivite des decisions prime.
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

La mission s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'activite Acheter dans la Marque (BiM Buy in the Make). Vous serez charge(e) a reduire les Cots recurrents (RC Recuring Cost) materiaux et pieces (mat&parts) sur le programme A350. Cette offre de stage est a pourvoir a compter du 2...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Dans le cadre d'un projet majeur d'amelioration de la performance economique de l'organisation de production de l'A330 a Saint Nazaire (CDT), vous serez charge(e) du workpackage "gestion financiere". Cette offre de stage est a pourvoir a compter du 16 fevrier 2015 (sujette...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

The internship is part of research on the structural assembly of future nose sections. A measurement database has been constituted thanks to various full scale tests. The objective of the internship is to enhance these data in partnership with a transnational team. This...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Integre au sein du service des methodes assemblages, vous travaillerez en collaboration avec le Bureau d'Etude, la Recherche et le Developpement, ainsi que les unites de Productions. Cette offre de stage est a pourvoir a compter du 22 juin 2015 (sujette a une certaine flexibilite)....
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

You will join the Methods and Process section, whose purpose is to support Production in terms of improved reliability of resources and continuous improvement. This internship will start on 02 March 2015 (subject to some flexibility). Une experience en production et / ou...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

As part of the assembly methods section, you will work in collaboration with the design office, Research and Development, and the production units. This internship will start on 22 June 2015 (subject to some flexibility). Degree 5 Years & more Engineering / Materials Not...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

The drilling of hybrid stacks such as carbon/titanium lead to non quality issues due to its complexity. The implementation of a new electrical drilling unit allows process monitoring of the drilling. The understanding and the analysis of the data collected (such as current...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

This internship will start on 02 February 2015 (subject to some flexibility). Degree 5 Years & more Engineering / Industrial Engineering No work experience Your main tasks and responsibilities will include, for exle: * Creating a VSM Value Stream Mapping in order to identify...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com

Le perage d'empilages hybrides tels que le carbone / titane conduit a des problemes de non qualite dus a sa complexite. La mise en uvre d'une nouvelle unite de perage electrique permet un contrle du procede de perage. La comprehension et l'analyse des donnees recueillies...
www.xpatjobs.fr – Posté par: xpatjobs.com